Wednesday, 29 March 2017

150 Dares

150 Dares

  1. Get a bar of soap from the bathroom and sell it to the group for 3 minutes.
  2. Go outside, and while skipping down the street, sing “Let it Go’ from Frozen.
  3. With your eyes closed, pick someone from your contact list and send them a text.
  4. Stand up and do your best impersonation of the person on your right.
  5. Go in the kitchen and rearrange everything in the food pantry in alphabetical order.
  6. Imagine the person to your left is your pet, talk to them as though you just got home.
  7. Imagine that you are a dog and act like it until your next turn.
  8. Describe what the sky looks like without using the words blue or white.
  9. Sing the chorus of your favorite song.
  10. Make up a song about the host of the party.
  11. Exchange shirts with the person to your left and wear it for the remainder of the game.
  12. Knock on the neighbor’s door and explain to them that your pet penguin got loose and ask if you can look for it in their back yard.
  13. Invent a new color for nail polish and describe the person who would be most likely to wear it.
  14. For the next 15 minutes, everything you say must be spoken in baby talk.
  15. Make a sandwich while blindfolded.
  16. Eat a spoonful of hot sauce.
  17. From now until your next turn, every time someone talks, interrupt by saying, “that’s a lie.”
  18. You notice that the person sitting on your right has something on their face, spit on your finger and wipe it off for them.
  19. Get down on one knee and propose to the person on your left.
  20. Take the socks off the person’s feet across from you and wear them like gloves until your next turn.
  21. Open Facebook and “like” the first thing that pops up even if you disagree with it.
  22. Stand up and do your best impersonation of your mom.
  23. Go for a short walk outside and while walking, hold a conversation with yourself.
  24. Rearrange all the pictures in the room according to their size.
  25. Take off your shoe and clean your foot as though you are an animal.
  26. Put makeup on the person sitting the farthest away from you.
  27. Do your best impersonation of someone else in the room and keep going until someone else guesses who you are.
  28. For the next 10 minutes, when someone speaks, put your ear up close to them and act as though you can’t hear what they are saying.
  29. Stand up and do jumping jacks until your next turn.
  30. For the rest of the game, you must cluck like a chicken at the beginning and end of everything you say.
  31. Be silent and say nothing from now until your next turn.
  32. While blindfolded, you must eat something that the person to your left chooses to feed you.
  33. Tie your shoe strings together with another person and walk together to the end of the driveway and back.
  34. Drink chocolate syrup straight out of the bottle.
  35. Text someone you are close to and tell them that you no longer want to talk to them.
  36. Using the opposite hand that you write with, print your full name, birthdate, and address on a piece of paper.
  37. Write your name on the floor with your tongue.
  38. Stand in the time out corner facing the wall, not talking to anyone until your next turn.
  39. Run in place and clap your hands for 5 minutes.
  40. Get on all fours and walk over to a wall like a dog, then lick the wall.
  41. Spin around 5 times and then stand on one leg while touching your nose with your fingertip.
  42. Mix mustard and ketchup on your hands and then lap it up like a dog.
  43. Stand on a chair and act like a monkey for 5 minutes.
  44. Act like a cat and “make bread” on the person sitting beside you.
  45. Go outside and howl, bark, and meow all for 2 minutes.
  46. Making “coo” sounds like a baby, suck on your toe.
  47. Run outside, shout, then run back inside.
  48. Wash your hands with toothpaste.
  49. Brush your teeth with soap.
  50. Imagine that a pillow is a baby. Burp it and then rock it to sleep.
  51. Initiate your neighbors to help you look for your “missing cat.”
  52. Go outside, get in your car and honk the horn 10 times.
  53. Every time someone begins to talk, interrupt by saying, “hey, ya know what?” Keep it up until your next turn.
  54. Take a walk around the block on all fours and bark like a dog.
  55. Call McDonald’s and ask if they sell whoppers.
  56. Call Burger King and ask if they sell big macs.
  57. Call Taco Bell and ask if they sell nuggets.
  58. Sing the theme song from Barney non-stop until your next turn.
  59. Pretend you’re a bird and eat cereal off the floor using only your mouth.
  60. Go up to someone, expose their bare feet, and play “this little piggy went to market” on all their toes.
  61. Every time someone performs a dare, yell, “tis but a mere flesh wound.”
  62. Every time someone tells a truth, yell, “liar.”
  63. Stand in the back yard and yell at the top of your lungs, “I was adopted! Nooooooo.”
  64. Text a friend and tell them their hair is on backward.
  65. Wear your clothes backward for the duration of the game.
  66. Go outside to the trash bin and throw a tantrum because someone put trash in it.
  67. Go outside and pick exactly 40 blades of grass with a pair of tweezers.
  68. Call someone and confess your new-found love for Justin Beiber.
  69. Kiss the person to your right on the cheek.
  70. Sniff the person to your left and tell them they smell bad.
  71. Rub your armpits and then smell your fingers.
  72. Knock on the neighbor’s door and ask if you can park your helicopter in their driveway.
  73. Take someone with you outside in the sight of the neighbors and stare into the sky until someone asks you what you are looking at, then tell them that you saw a UFO.
  74. Text your mom and tell her that you are expecting a baby.
  75. Walk outside frantically carrying an empty leash and approach people asking them if they have seen your pet alligator because it just escaped.
  76. Go into the bathroom and look in the cabinet. Write a short summary of what you find and read it to the group.
  77. Call the nearest gas station and ask them if they sell hemorrhoid cream.
  78. Stop a car that is going down the street and tell them that their wheels are turning.
  79. Close your eyes and let everyone draw on you for 5 minutes.
  80. Tell a bizarre 2-minute story about the night you slept in the woods.
  81. Stand up and dance the twist until your next turn.
  82. Name the person in the room who you think is the best dressed.
  83. Name the person in the room who you think is the worst dressed.
  84. Text your siblings and tell them that you just found out you are adopted.
  85. Make the sound of a dripping faucet until your next turn.
  86. From now until the end of the game, every time you talk, speak like a robot.
  87. Act like a cheerleader and do a cheer about the host of the party.
  88. For the rest of the game, you must only communicate using animal sounds.
  89. Make confetti out of a tissue.
  90. Describe to the group what your last bathroom experience was like.
  91. Get a magazine and go outside. Roll up the magazine, put it on your nose and act and sound like an elephant.
  92. Make a hat out of aluminum foil then put the hat on and post a selfie to social media. Leave the hat on for the duration of the game.
  93. Hang your socks from your ears until the end of the game.
  94. Fill your mouth with water and act like a fountain.
  95. For the rest of the game you must say your name at the beginning and the end of every sentence you speak.
  96. Repeat everything the person to your left says until your next turn.
  97. Choose one inanimate object that is in the room. Now spend the next 2-minutes telling the group what that object is thinking.
  98. Eat a teaspoonful of soy sauce.
  99. Cut out an eyehole in a piece of cheese and a piece of lunchmeat. Place each piece over your eyes and leave them there for the remainder of the game.
  100. You are a seat in a car, for 2-minutes talk to your passengers.
  101. Stand on your head and put your legs against the wall for 2-minutes.
  102. Let the person to the left of you give you a creative hairstyle.
  103. Paint your eyebrows with mayonnaise
  104. Put chocolate syrup on a pickle and eat it.
  105. Tie a towel or blanket around your neck and run outside yelling, “I’m Superman!”
  106. Put strawberry syrup on a carrot and eat it.
  107. Dip cheese in soda and eat it.
  108. Without using your hands, eat an entire carrot while holding it with your toes.
  109. Go outside and pick up the first non-poisonous bug you find then hold onto it for 2-minutes.
  110. Eat a blade of grass.
  111. Spread peanut butter onto a piece of cheese. Roll up the peanut butter cheese and eat it all.
  112. Eat a s’more made with peanut butter, saltines and ketchup.
  113. Dip your feet into raw eggs and then, without cleaning your feet, wear your socks for the remainder of the game.
  114. Using a wooden spoon and a pan, play a drum solo until someone recognizes the song.
  115. Teach the room how to tie a man’s tie. If you don’t know how to tie the tie, then you must use it to tie your hands together for the remainder of the game.
  116. Stand up and professionally introduce yourself to everyone. Now convince them as to why they should vote for you to be the next spokesperson for the elephants.
  117. Drink a glass of water with a smashed-up banana mixed in it.
  118. Go to a neighbor and ask them if you can use their driveway to park your new elephant.
  119. Clean out your belly button and show everyone what you find.
  120. Spend 2-minutes telling everyone about the creatures who live under your toenails.
  121. Style your hair with at least ten paperclips. When you are finished, post a selfie to social media.
  122. Go outside and have a 2-minute conversation with the mailbox while someone makes a video and posts it to social media.
  123. Call Pizza Hut and ask them if they sell hamburgers.
  124. Call Wal-Mart and ask if they sell livestock.
  125. Walk down to the end of the street and back while clucking, pecking, and flapping your arms like a chicken the entire time.
  126. Sit on a balloon and bounce up and down until it breaks.
  127. Peel a banana using only your feet and toes.
  128. Call a car dealership and ask if they have any horse buggies in stock.
  129. Call a car part store and tell them that you need a part for your Model T.
  130. Try to eat a piece of popcorn off your nose with your tongue.
  131. Dig through the trash and name off everything you find.
  132. Lay down on the floor and toss popcorn in your mouth using only your feet. Keep it up until you get at least five pieces into your mouth.
  133. Scoot across the floor using only your elbows.
  134. Mix orange juice with soda and drink it,
  135. Taste a dog treat.
  136. Just like when you were a child, make a blanket fort and stay in there for the next three rounds.
  137. For the rest of the game, the floor is lava. Find other ways to move without touching the floor.
  138. Go around the room and smell everyone’s armpits.
  139. While using the hand gestures, sing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” in its entirety on someone’s arm.
  140. Text someone “hey.” Every time they respond say, “hey.” Do this ten times and on the eleventh, reply with “hi.”
  141. Go outside and kiss the ground.
  142. Call a pet store. Tell them that you are babysitting and the baby ran out of formula. Ask them how much the kitten formula is.
  143. Call a Chinese restaurant and order a pizza.
  144. Kiss each toe in the room individually.
  145. Go to the fridge and read out loud all the expiration dates.
  146. Put a breath mint in a glass of orange juice and drink it.
  147. Rub the top of everyone’s head for 1-minute a piece.
  148. Eat a butter stuffed Oreo.
  149. Do the Chicken Dance on Facebook Live for 10-minutes.
  150. Everyone must refer to you as “Captain Bed Wetter” for the rest of the game.
Location: Surat, Gujarat, India


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